Benefits of Using Steel Shelving in Your Warehouse

steel shelving

The pallet racks in your warehouse facilities put up with a lot of wear and tear, no matter what you stock, sell, or showcase. Because they serve as the backbone of the warehouse, your rack systems matter, so picking warehouse shelving that will last is crucial to saving you unnecessary time, money, and effort short […]

Pallet Racking Mistakes to Avoid

blue and orange pallet racking in warehouse

Pallet racking systems provide excellent storage solutions for your warehouse, whether big, small, or in-between. While these storage systems are sturdy and reliable, they aren’t invulnerable (read more about how to prevent pallet rack damage) and need to be taken care of properly. These are some common pallet racking mistakes to avoid.

How Often Should Pallet Racking Be Inspected?

worker in vest and hardhat with clipboard

Warehouse workers know how busy things can get. Machine and foot traffic both cause a lot of wear and tear on a warehouse floor. Damage to the floor is visible and hard to ignore. However, you might be overlooking another workhouse in the warehouse: the pallet racking.

How to Prevent Pallet Rack Damage

closeup of pallet rack system

A pallet racking system is arguably one of the most integral aspects of your distribution and warehouse operations. Although pallet racks are designed and built to be solid and sturdy, they are exposed to several rigorous applications that can cause them damage. Damaged racks can cause several problems in a warehouse, including safety risks for […]

Tips for Maximizing Your Warehouse’s Pallet Racking System

warehouse with pallet racks and boxes

When you’re trying to conduct business efficiently and effectively, you need to use your pallet racks to their fullest potential. Since racks take up a large percentage of your warehouse space, you’ll want to ensure their layout enables you to use every inch of space in your facility. The proper layout can help you store […]

Reasons to Hire Professionals for Your Warehouse Relocation

Relocating your entire warehouse can be a significant endeavor, and doing it yourself or relying on your employees to do it for you can make it even more daunting. Trusting professionals to help you with your warehouse relocation is a smart move that can save you many headaches, not to mention money, time, effort, and […]

Teardrop vs. Double Slotted Pallet Racks: What’s the Difference?

While pallet racks can often be repaired if the damage is minimal, sometimes you’ll need to purchase one or more new racks to ensure the overall safety and productivity of your business. It can be difficult to decide between teardrop and double-slotted pallet racks, as both are very similar and provide their own benefits.

How to Tell When It’s Time to Repair vs. Replace Warehouse Storage Racks

Whether you’re running a small distribution center or a heavy manufacturing warehouse, it’s a given that at some point the storage racks in your space will require repair or replacement. Daily use, work accidents, and normal wear and tear can weaken the components of your racks, which can lead to failure and potentially hazardous conditions.

How Warehouse Slotting Can Save Your Business Money

Labor is the second leading cost of operation after inventory costs in the warehouse industry. Typically, labor makes up 60–65% of most warehouse facilities’ operating budgets. The hourly labor rates have increased by between 10-16%  in the recent past. One effective way to bring down your labor costs is through warehouse slotting.